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How to Clean Your UTV Inside and Out

How to Clean Your UTV Inside and Out

Your UTV holds up to a lot with all the exciting adventures you take it on. That mud and dirt can get caked inside and cause issues down the road if you don’t diligently take care of it. Knowing how to clean mud off your UTV can be tricky. This guide will take you through all the different parts of your UTV that need your attention and how you can keep them clean. 

Whether cleaning the inside our outside of your UTV, the most important thing to remember is to keep your eye out for any areas where dirt could be hiding beneath the surface. Cleaning those areas thoroughly will extend the lifespan of your UTV and ensure it will run as smoothly as possible. This is especially true when you clean the radiator and the engine. 

What You Need to Clean Your UTV

Cleaning your UTV requires a number of UTV cleaning products to ensure the inside and the outside is spick and span. Here are some of the things you need to start cleaning:

1. Cleaning Products

You can find a wide variety of cleaning products for UTVs on the market. It is important to limit your search to those that are designed for a UTV specifically. 

When purchasing a cleaning product, choose one that is mild enough not to cause corrosion but tough enough to get rid of mud and dirt. It should contain surface-release additives to help keep mud off the next time you take your UTV for a ride. 

You’ll want to get a degreaser for parts of your UTV that are harder to clean, like the chain and the sprockets. If you have a polycarbonate windshield, be sure to purchase a window cleaner that will not damage it.

2. Scrub Brush

Investing in a long scrub brush will help you reach the parts of your UTV that are otherwise hard to get to. When choosing a brush, find one that has a long handle and soft bristles so it doesn’t scratch the paint on your UTV.

3. Microfiber Towels

Though the old rag you have lying around your shop will do the trick, having a microfiber towel or washing mitt will take your UTV’s cleanliness to the next level. They are extra gentle when scrubbing mud and dirt off of the UTV, absorbing water as they go. This keeps your UTV dry and prevents water streaks since it’s drying as you go. 

4. Car Wash Detergent

For the inside of your UTV, you can use any car wash detergent. There aren’t specific kinds for UTVs, therefore any of them are safe to use on your UTV seats and other fabric areas.

5. Leaf Blower

If you’ve taken your UTV through an area with a lot of brush, there may be some loose debris settled in various parts of it. Taking a leaf blower and blowing it over the whole vehicle will get that debris out of the nooks and crannies.

Can I Pressure Wash My UTV?

Pressure washing is actually the best way to wash UTVs. Though it can’t do the whole job on its own, pressure washing can get all the chunks of mud and dirt off of the UTV before you go in with the detail work. This is especially true in the nooks and crannies of UTVs that are hard to reach. 

The most important thing to remember when pressure washing your UTV is to choose settings that will get the job done but are gentle enough that they won’t damage the plastic, any decals you have and the radiator fins. 

How to Wash Your UTV Interior

Going through the inside of your UTV and cleaning each piece will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take your UTV on your next adventure. Here are some of the areas that could use your attention and how to clean them:

1. Seats

The easiest way to clean your UTV seats is to remove them from the vehicle. Begin by brushing away any loose dirt or dust on them, then scrape away any that is caked on. Lather cleaner on the seats then rinse it away with a hose. You can use dish soap if you do not have a specific seat cleaner. To really add some shine, you can get interior polish that is specifically made for the material your seats are made out of.

When you put the seats back in, you can clean the seat belts with a fabric cleaner or dish soap and water. This will make your UTV smell better and eliminate any dirt stains from the seatbelts.

2. Dashboard

Depending on what kind of adventures you’ve been taking your UTV on, the dashboard probably needs to be washed off. Using a hose to rinse it off followed by a towel or sponge should do the trick and keep it clean for a while. You can use a drying towel or the sun and breeze will do the trick if you leave it outside. 

Once dry, you can use polishing products to shine up the dashboard and other plastic areas on the interior of your UTV if you want to give it an extra sparkle.

3. Engine

A UTV’s engine comes sealed to protect mud from damaging the engine block or the pistons. It is still a good idea to check and make sure no mud has made its way into the engine. 

If you do find some mud in the engine, get some detergent that is not corrosive. If you only have corrosive detergent, take special care to keep it away from rubber belts and gaskets. 

After you apply the detergent to the engine, let it soak in so the mud and dirt comes off easier. Once it has soaked, rinse it away with a hose spraying gently so it doesn’t knock any important pieces loose. To dry it, you can use a towel or turn on the UTV and let the heat of the engine dry the water. 

How to Wash UTV Exterior

The outside of your UTV is likely the part that needs the most work. Especially if it has been a while since you’ve cleaned it and you’ve been on some big adventures. Here are some areas to focus on and how you can get them super clean:

1. Windshield

Cleaning the windshield is a tricky process that requires you to have the right products. Choose a gentle detergent like dish soap or a windshield cleaner that aligns with what your windshield was made out of. Specifically, be aware of whether your windshield is made from polycarbonate, acrylic or glass. 

When you go to clean your windshield, start by removing dust and dirt with a hose. Apply the detergent you have chosen and scrub the windshield in a side-to-side motion using a microfiber cloth if you have one. A sponge will also do the trick but is more likely to leave streaks. 

2. Tires

The tires on your UTV are going to get muddy first and likely be the dirtiest part. The best thing to keep your tires from getting dangerously muddy is equipping your UTV with tires built to withstand mud and clear it away while you’re driving. A good mud tire has treads that are between one and two inches deep and channels that allow the mud to clear out easily. Different UTV models lend themselves to different tire styles. 

If you aren’t looking to invest in new tires, you can get products to prevent the mud from sticking the tires. Specifically, silicone products to coat the surface of your tires will help mud slide off easier and will not effect the tire’s grip on the ground. To apply these products, spray it on the tire, wipe it clean and then you’re ready to go.

3. Other Exterior Areas

To wash off the other plastic areas on the exterior of your UTV, a power washer is the most efficient and effective way to get it clean quickly. It is important to be careful that you don’t spray areas that are more delicate. For example, if there is a decal on one side, avoid spraying that part with the pressure washer and opt for a hose instead. You’ll often need to follow it up with some soap and scrubbing anyways, so it is better safe than sorry.

A power washer will break up chunks of mud and get into cracks and crevices that a hose or scrub brush may not reach. That is one of the most important things to focus on when cleaning your UTV is to get all the mud out of the areas that are hard to see. It is not good for your UTV to have those unwanted things sitting in it for too long. A power washer can get into those areas that you might not even think to specifically look for.

Find the Right Cleaning Products at Fueled UTV

At Fueled UTV, we have a variety of UTV cleaning products designed specifically for your UTV so you know you are getting the right products for your vehicle. Our products will help your UTV maintain its color and shine. 

The cleaners we offer at Fueled UTV range from coatings to finishing cleaner to speed wax. 

  • Wash and wax: Our wash and wax is a non-corrosive cleaning solution that will preserve the life and look as well as the value of your UTV.
  • Clear coat spray: This high gloss coating will provide your UTV with a unique shine after you clean it. It has great mud and debris release to make cleaning in the future easier. It is safe to use on plastic, gloss and matte finishes. 
  • Suspension clean aerosol: This Maxima Suspension Clean Aerosol removes suspension fluid and grease safely and leaves no residue. It dries completely and doesn’t leave a film. 

We also have washing supplies at Fueled UTV to make the scrubbing process safe and easy for your UTV.

  • Microfiber towel: This microfiber towel will dry your UTV without leaving streaks. The microfiber material is safer to use on your UTV and will pick up any leftover debris as it dries. It is also dual sided so you can use it for longer. 
  • Off-road wash: The off-road wash cleaning solution is specifically designed for UTV exteriors and penetrates heavy dirt and mud without stripping the vehicle of any necessary substances like lubrication. Simply mix water with the product and you will have up to 16 gallons of wash.
  • Pressure washer foam cannon: We have an attachment for your pressure washer wand that will mix the water from the pressure washer with our concentrated soap, allowing it to spray as a foamy wash. This will make it an easier and quicker process to clean your UTV.
  • Garden hose foam gun: We have a similar attachment for your garden hose that will mix the soap and water to create a foamy wash for your UTV. It has durable plastic and brass fitting so it is easy and safe to connect to your hose.
  • Hand cleaner: After you clean your UTV, you will likely need to clean some dirt and dust off yourself. Our hand cleaner is designed to cut through the grime left on your hands easily while keeping your hands safe and moisturized.

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